Homeschool students thrive under the CW Umbrella Program!
Child's Way offers support for home school families. Folks who choose to school their children at home may benefit from oversight, accountability, encouragement, supportive funds, suggestions, and occasionally some limited tutoring.
High School home school students are required to meet Oregon State High School requirements. Transcripts are maintained and updated through the program.
Working in cooperation with CW provides lots of flexibility!
The main thing required is that families maintain strong communication with the school. Evidence of learning is vital.
Individuality is encouraged and celebrated!
Supportive funds can help with music lessons, horseback riding lessons, all sorts of extracurricular activities, some school supplies and curriculum, and a variety of other things upon approval.
High School home school students are required to meet Oregon State High School requirements. Transcripts are maintained and updated through the program.
Working in cooperation with CW provides lots of flexibility!
The main thing required is that families maintain strong communication with the school. Evidence of learning is vital.
Individuality is encouraged and celebrated!
Supportive funds can help with music lessons, horseback riding lessons, all sorts of extracurricular activities, some school supplies and curriculum, and a variety of other things upon approval.